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The Research Group called Social Transformations and Education in Antiquity and Medievality, led by Profa. Dr. Terezinha Oliveira (UEM) is characterized as a group of teachers and students interested in examining Education within the social, political, cultural and philosophical changes in Ancient and Medieval societies under the eyes of History. The methodology that offers unity to our interpretations assumes that the social or educational movement, the changes in study, can only be seen from the perspective of the totality of human relations. Thus, through the examination of distinct interests, of clashes at precise historical moments, a wide space is opened for the analysis of human action and, therefore, of the practices of individuals.

We have as research lines the following themes:

              Education and Human Activity in Ancient and Medieval Societies

            Image and Education in the Middle Ages and Renaissance

      Social Institutions and Education

      Intellectuals, Memory, History and Education

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